
The full program is viewable online, and the schedule is available for download. A synopsis of the scheduled events is also available.

The scientific program will include four award lectures, eight invited lectures, minisymposia and focused sessions, contributed papers, poster sessions, exhibits and the Gallery of Fluid Motion poster and video entries. Over 2200 contributed abstracts, divided into up to 30 concurrent sessions, are anticipated.

Awards Program

Each year the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics presents the Fluid Dynamics Prize, the Francois Frenkiel Award, the Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award, and the recently instituted Stanley Corrsin Award. The 2012 award winners, each one of whom will give a lecture at the meeting, will be announced in the Fall.

Invited Lectures, Minisymposia, and Focused Sessions

Eight invited lectures on topics of broad interest to the DFD community will be given by experts in each field. The program also includes minisymposia and focus sessions dealing with exciting current research.


  • Complex fluid flows in memory of Daniel D. Joseph.

  • High-Speed, High-Energy, Multi-Material Flows.

Focus Sessions

  • Interfacial Engineering in Thermal-Fluids.

  • Vortex Dynamics in Fluid-structure Interactions

Invited Lecturers

  • Shelley Anna, Carnegie Mellon University

  • Raymond Goldstein, DAMTP, Cambridge University

  • Javier Jiménez, School of Aeronautics, Universidad Politécnica, Madrid

  • Alison Marsden, UC San Diego

  • Eckart Meiburg, UC Santa Barbara

  • Steve Monismith, Stanford University

  • Ugo Piomelli, Queens University

  • Peter Schmid, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris